Cultural Activities
Apart from being involved in various socila service activities, Chiranthana has also developed a cultural wing which works towards the upliftment of Indian Art & Culture.
In this age of globalization and influence of western culture (or “TV Culture”) on Indian Art & Culture, It organises programmes featuring traditional art forms in order to popularise these forms and also to create a sense of awareness among the people towards such rich cultural heritage of our country.
Through this project, Chiranthana makes an humble effort to create a sensible audience for such forms of art.
Chiranthana Charitable Trust (R) has been organising various cultural activities since the past many years
This section gives and overview of the Cultural Activities organised by Chiranthana
The various activities includes :
Panchamada Inchara Viveka Smruthi
Abhinava Khayal
Baarayya Beladingale